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If you are on the Support page something isn’t working right. Let's figure out what and fix it fast! First, here are a few simple things you can do yourself:
Ok, now that we got that out of the way, if you are still having issues:
Malwarebytes - Best tool for removing unwanted malicious programs from your computer. It has a free and paid version, just pay attention to the options when you install it.
ESET Free Virus Scanner – Not all antivirus scanners are the same. We have found that ESET is one of the best for a few reasons. First, they frequently update the virus profiles, Second, it is very efficient and thorough and third, it can actually fix an issue rather than just mask it.
CCleaner – Just like junk accumulates around the house, so does junk in the computer. This tool provides a fairly simple and straight forward interface to allow you to dump stuff that can slow down the computer’s performance on the internet.
Bandwidth Need Calculator – We looked high and low for a bandwidth calculator that does not over estimate the need in hopes to up sell. This one by AT&T is pretty good I think it’s about 15% high but it does help in understanding what activities use the most internet. It also points out the huge bandwidth difference between full 1080 hi-def and 720 hi-def. What is to most people an almost imperceptible quality difference, can save real money your monthly bill and reduce frustration.
Gigabytes of Usage Calculator – While we do not charge for usage beyond your plan’s allotment, we can ask you to curtail or move you up to a plan more reflective of your normal gigabyte usage. If we determine your usage patterns are beyond your plan’s allotment and you are impacting others on your tower we can chose to enforce a plan upgrade. This link will help you estimate your monthly usage.
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